Romeo and Juliet - FAQs


Q: What safety measures are in place at Orchard Dene?

  • We have taken several steps, as per Government Guidelines, to ensure the safety of our teams and audience members when visiting Orchard Dene for one of our outdoor performances:

  • A Covid-19 Risk Assessment of our premises has been carried out to identify sensible measures to control the risks for audience members, performers and volunteers whilst on site.

  • To comply with NHS Track and Trace we will be recording the contact details of all attendees

  • We naturally ask that you do not attend if you are showing any of the symptoms of Covid 19 or have experienced symptoms or have had a positive Covid test in the last 14 days or are extremely clinically vulnerable

  • We have halved the number of audience members we can welcome onsite for each performance to ensure social distancing. Please do not sit in any other seat other than the one that has been allocated to you (and others in your party) and please do not move seats.

  • There will be sanitiser stations in a number of locations.

  • You will see signage around the site explaining routes and procedures.

  • Members of the audience must wear Facemasks, unless they are exempt. Please observe social distancing at all times when moving around the site.

  • We will be cleaning the Theatre (Chairs) and the toilets after each performance


Q: How do I book?

Q: What if I need help or have questions about booking, rain vouchers etc?

  • Use this helpline email link or call 07498 943785. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can and within 48 hours at the most.

Q: Is there space for wheelchairs? Can I book a space?

  • When you book online the plan indicates the wheelchair spaces

Your Visit

Q: What time can I arrive?

  • The Theatre opens at 7.30 p.m. for the evening performance (8 p.m. start) and 2.30pm for the Matinee (3 p.m. start)

Q: What will happen when I arrive and during my visit?

  • When you arrive at Orchard Dene, there are two entrances and you will be directed to one of these.

  • You will need to bring the email that was sent to you when you bought the tickets (either printed or on your phone). This will contain your seat numbers. This will be checked and to assist the NHS Test and Trace Service we will ask you for your contact details if we do not have them already.

  • You will then make your way to the Theatre. Our team will be on hand to assist you.

  • Please keep socially distanced from other groups

  • There will be a help desk at Orchard Dene if you need assistance.

  • If any payments have to be made – they will be contactless

Q: Can I bring my own food and drink to the performance?

  • You are welcome to bring water in plastic bottles, but only alcoholic drink and soft drinks that have been pre-ordered and pre–paid may be consumed on the premises. We will send out a pre-order form nearer your visit and drinks will be delivered to your seat. If any payments have to be made at Orchard Dene, they will be contactless. Unfortunately, picnics are not permitted. Please do not bring any food.

Q: Will there be litter bins?

  • We ask that you to take your litter home

Q: Can I bring cushions and rugs?

  • You can bring your own cushions and rugs – we do not provide these

Q: Will there be a programme?

  • There will be a digital version that you will able to download before your visit. The link will be on the website.

Q: Do you have toilets?

  • Yes. Access will be arranged to ensure social distancing.

  • There will be sanitising stations and the toilets will be monitored and cleaned on a regular basis.

  • We ask that you observe social distancing when using the toilets and at all times when moving around the site.

Q: Where can I park?

  • Parking will be available onsite in the theatre’s main car park. Disabled parking will be available on the parking line nearest the buildings on a first come first served basis.

  • To observe social distancing, we kindly ask you to park leaving ample space between cars.

Thank you for your cooperation